Our team

Prevent Dementia is led by Professor Craig Ritchie of the University of Edinburgh, with leading investigators at each of our study sites:
Prof Craig Ritchie
Prof Craig Ritchie
Chief Investigator Biography
Prof Karen Ritchie
Prof Karen Ritchie
Co-Chief Investigator Biography
Prof John O’Brien
Principal Investigator and Imaging lead Biography
Prof Brian Lawlor
Prof Brian Lawlor
Principal Investigator Biography
Prof Lorina Naci
Principal Investigator Biography
Prof Graciela Muniz-Terrera
Principal Investigator and Biostatistics lead Biography
Prof Paresh Malhotra
Principal Investigator Biography
Dr Ivan Koychev
Dr Ivan Koychev
Principal Investigator Biography
Dr Willie Stewart
Principal Investigator and PREVENT RFC co-lead Biography
Dr Sarah Gregory
Edinburgh Principal Investigator Biography
Prof Jean Manson
Bioresource lead Biography
Katie Bridgeman
National Coordinator  
Hannah Darwin
Edinburgh site Research Coordinator  
Siobhan Coleman
Cambridge site Study Coordinator  
Katja McBane
London site Study Coordinator  
David Driscoll
Steering group lay representative  

Participants’ Panel

The Prevent Participant’s panel was established in August 2013 prior to the development of the Prevent Research Programme. The panel is made up of a group of volunteers with a keen interest in dementia prevention and have participated in the study themselves. The panel meet on a regular basis every 2-3 months to discuss the progress of the research and consider any additional studies which Prevent participants may be invited to become involved with. Two members of the panel also sit on the steering group committee and they attend these meetings to provide feedback and suggestions on behalf of the panel. The panel are critical to the development of the Prevent Research Programme and also help with the review of study documentation.

Steering group committee

The PREVENT Steering group committee meet bi-annually to discuss the progress and future plans for the programme. Whilst the committee only meet face to face twice a year the committee manage the programme throughout the year by making decisions on data access requests and potential sub-studies as well problem solving any issues relating to the programme on an ongoing basis. The committee is chaired by Prof Craig Ritchie and members include those with expertise in relevant areas of dementia prevention research along with a funder representative and two participant representatives.

Scientific Advisory board

Alongside the Steering group the study is also advised by a Scientific Advisory board which is chaired by Prof Gordon Wilcock (University of Oxford). Members of the board include Prof Nick Fox (University College London), Prof Martin Prince (Kings College London) and Prof Ian McKeith (Newcastle University).